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Duct Installation Experts: Ensuring Clean Air and Comfort in Your Home

A well-functioning duct system is key to ensuring efficient airflow in your home. However, designing and installing an effective ductwork system is typically beyond the capabilities of homeowners and general contractors. Attic Pros will take care of this issue by providing comprehensive and high-quality duct installation services. We’re your HVAC expert ready to keep your interiors comfortable and energy efficient.

Diamond Certified

Trusted by our clients


#1 Trusted Contractor


#1 Trusted Contractor


#1 Trusted Contractor

Installing State-of-the-Art Ductwork

Ductwork is an important aspect of HVAC systems, allowing heated or cooled air to reach every part of your home or establishment. Designing a system that’s energy efficient yet effective requires the right know-how and equipment. Thankfully, we’re HVAC experts at Attic Pros. Count on us to take care of the following and more:

  • Ductwork Design: Whether you’re building a new home or doing a major renovation, we can help you design the right kind of ductwork system. We will ensure that airflow is optimized so that every room receives conditioned air.
  • Duct Installation: Rely on our team to efficiently install the ductwork system into your property. We will ensure that the new ducts integrate seamlessly with existing AC units, furnaces, and other HVAC components.
  • Upgrades and Repairs: Attic Pros can provide upgrades and repairs to your existing ductwork. We can replace damaged sections, install more energy-efficient material, and take care of other duct-related issues.
Attic Too Hot? How to Insulate Ductwork in an Attic

Following a Systematic Process

To deliver consistent results in every project, the Attic Pros team follows a tried-and-tested method in all the jobs we take on. Here’s how we’ll proceed.

Book an Appointment

Contact us and schedule an initial appointment. We will inspect your property or check the existing blueprints. Then we will calculate a free estimate.


Our Attic Pros team will design a ductwork system with a focus on airflow optimization and energy conservation. You will enjoy comfortable interiors without having to worry about your energy bills.


Once you approve the design, budget, and timeline, we will proceed with duct installation. Count on us to work with efficiency and little disruption to your daily routine.

Testimonials From Satisfied Clients

Our exemplary work has led to many satisfied clients, in both the residential and commercial sectors. Learn why we’re the trusted duct installation experts in the Bay Area.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Attic Pros is your partner for optimized ductwork, leveraging years of experience and the newest technologies to create comfortable interiors. Book an appointment with us for an inspection and a free estimate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we can work with homeowners or as subcontractors for new-build projects. We’re the ductwork specialists that provide comprehensive and quality HVAC solutions.

The duration varies wildly depending on the complexity of the design and the property’s size. Installation could take anywhere from several days to a few weeks. To help you get an idea, we will create a timeline for the project upfront.

Yes, we do! We can add duct sealing, insulation, and other solutions that help reduce your ductwork system’s energy consumption.

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