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How To Disinfect Your Home After Rodent Infestation 


Rodents can be a major problem in any home, not only because of the damage they can cause from chewing and gnawing on furniture, walls, wiring, and other materials but also because of the diseases and parasites they can carry.

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure that your home is properly disinfected after a rodent infestation. Here’s what you need to know about disinfecting your home after a rodent infestation. 

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Clean Up Debris 

The process of disinfecting your home and crawl space should begin with cleaning up all the debris left behind by rodents. This includes droppings, urine stains, nesting material, shreds of paper or fabric, food scraps, and anything else that may have been contaminated by the pests.

It is important to use gloves when cleaning up debris as mice and rats can carry diseases that are transmissible through contact with their bodily fluids.


Disinfect Surfaces 

Once all the debris has been removed from your home, it’s time to disinfect all surfaces that may have been contaminated by rodents. This includes floors, walls, countertops, shelves, furniture, and any other areas where rodents may have traveled or nested.

Use a diluted bleach solution or an EPA-registered disinfectant on hard surfaces to kill any germs left behind by the pests.


Vacuum Rugs & Upholstery 

It is also important to vacuum rugs and upholstery thoroughly after a rodent infestation as these items are likely to contain contaminants or parasites left behind by the pests. If possible, take rugs outside for vacuuming in order to minimize odors caused by pesticides used in treating rodents indoors.

Once finished vacuuming all carpets and upholstered furniture items in your home it is important to dispose of vacuum bags immediately in order to prevent re-infestation of your home from rug mites or other parasites carried by rodents into your home prior to extermination efforts being completed successfully. 

Why is our company the best among rodent exterminators?​

Proven Results

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Trained Professionals

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Affordable Rates

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Quick Response Time

Fast and efficient service


Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Yes, bed bugs are dangerous. They can spread quickly and cause a lot of disruption and inconvenience to your home life. If left untreated, they can trigger skin irritation, allergic reactions, psychological distress, and even the transmission of certain diseases.

To prevent this from occurring, it is important to address any infestation as soon as possible with the help of pest control services that specialize in eradicating bed bugs.

Do Local Pest Control Companies Are Effective For Pest Problems?

Yes, local pest control companies can be very effective in handling pest problems. Attic Pros, for example, provides a range of rodent control services that help to eradicate pests in a safe and healthy way. Additionally, we offer great customer service that ensures our clients are happy with the results and our professional exterminators answered quickly.

Does Attic Pros Offer Termite Control?

Yes, Attic Pros offers termite control services. As a professional pest control company, we provide termite inspection and treatment to ensure that your home is free of pest infestation. We are experienced in treating both dry wood and subterranean termites, as well as termite prevention and damage repair.


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