Call Our Attic Cleaning, Crawl Space Cleaning, Rodent Removal Experts Today!
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Rodent Exterminator East Palo Alto

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Latest Rodent Extermination Techniques


Live Traps

Live traps are an effective way to catch rodents without killing them. Bait is placed inside the trap, which triggers a door that closes when a rodent steps inside. The trapped rodent can then be released into the wild far away from your property. 

Ultrasonic Devices

These devices use sound waves to drive away rats and mice from their hiding places. The sounds emitted by these devices are too high-pitched for humans to hear, but they make rodents feel uncomfortable so they run away from the area being treated with the device. Ultrasonic devices are great for keeping rodents away on an ongoing basis without having to resort to poison or other dangerous methods of extermination. 

Traps With Poison

Traps with poison are one of the most common ways of dealing with rodent infestations. They contain poison that is slowly released over time, killing any rodent that comes into contact with it. While this method is effective, it also poses a risk to pets if they come into contact with the poisoned traps, so it should be used carefully in areas where children or pets may have access. 

Free Inspections by #1 Trusted Contractor

How To Choose Pest Exterminators

Choosing the right pest exterminator for your pest control problems is critical for ensuring effective pest control. A Commercial building should start by assessing its specific pest control needs as each building or business may have unique problems and require customized solutions. An experienced exterminator with a thorough knowledge of the pest control industry and best practices can be hired to tackle any rodent issues or other infestations.

A reputable pest control service should be able to quickly identify and resolve the most common pest problems and provide ongoing preventative measures if needed to keep your workspace safe and secure. Finding the right exterminator involves doing your homework, but the result will be the peace of mind of knowing you are in good hands when it comes to resolving tough pest control issues.

Why is our company the best among rodent exterminators?​

Proven Results

Successful rodent extermination record​

Tailored Solutions

Customized extermination plans

Trained Professionals

Skilled and experienced exterminators.

Affordable Rates

Competitive pricing for quality service

Quick Response Time

Fast and efficient service


How To Protect Home From Future Infestations?

The best way to protect your home from future infestations is to invest in professional pest control services. A reliable, experienced pest control company can provide regular inspections of your attic and crawl space and implement the necessary treatments and preventive measures. Doing this will help identify a pest problem early before they become a larger issue. 

What Is Rodent Proofing?

Rodent proofing is a type of pest control that focuses on eliminating access points and conditions that attract rodents. It typically involves identifying and sealing off entry points, clearing out debris or clutter where rodents can hide, trapping any existing rodents in the area, and taking steps to prevent re-infestation through regular monitoring. If a rodent problem persists, general pest control methods such as chemical treatment may be necessary.

Do You Offer Termite Inspection At Attic Pros?

Yes, Attic Pros is one of the best pest control services that offers termite control as part of our comprehensive pest control service. We offer quick and accurate inspections to identify and eradicate any termite activity or activity that could lead to future infestations. 

What Are The Eco Friendly Products For Pest Control?

Some of the most popular eco friendly pest control products include those containing natural ingredients such as diatomaceous earth, neem oil, or essential oils. These products are affordable and effective for eliminating pests such as ants, bed bugs, fleas, roaches, silverfish and more.


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