The Ultimate Guide to Rodent Control
Did you know that there are 35Â diseases that rodents such as rats and mice can transmit to humans?
If you are concerned that you have rodents in your home, it is important to take action and get rid of them. But it can be challenging to know what to do if it’s the first time that you’ve had to worry about rodent control.
We’ve created a guide to help you know what to do if you have a rodent infestation. Keep reading if you want to find out more.
Common Types of Rodents that Live in California
Rat and mouse species have a lot in common. Both of these types of rodents will contaminate your home and destroy its structure if they find a way inside. They are also capable of spreading harmful diseases to you and your family.
Rats and mice also have several key differences. Here are the most common types of rodents that are likely to get into your home.
House Mice
These small creatures come in a variety of colors such as gray, light brown, and black. Their stomachs tend to have lighter colors.
They tend to be short. Most mice won’t grow to be longer than three and a half inches from their heads to their tails. Their ears and tails tend to have less hair.
House mice might enter your home for several reasons. It might be that they are trying to escape a storm. They also might be looking for a way to avoid natural predators such as snakes and birds.
Since they are so small, house mice can easily slither through cracks in your walls or gaps between your windows. In fact, they are capable of fitting through gaps that are as small as a dime.
Once they are in your home, they’ll start looking around for sources of food.
Since they are so secretive, you might not see them if they are in your home. But you will probably notice their feces, which are shaped like small rods.
House mice are capable of spreading dangerous illnesses such as lymphocytic choriomeningitis and salmonella. This is why it is a good idea to get a hold of a professional rodent removal service if you find their feces in your home.
Deer Mice
Deer mice are brown and have white stomachs. They are slightly larger than house mice and they can grow to be more than six inches long.
This species tends to establish itself in attics and basements. You also might find deer mice in your shed or garage. They are also known to create nests inside automobiles that are not in use.
Their favorite foods include nuts, berries, and insects. Just like other kinds of rodents, deer mice can carry diseases. The most deadly disease that they can transmit is known as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
You can catch this disease by simply inhaling a deer mouse’s urinary droplets. This is why you should hire an attic cleaning service to clean up their nests and feces after you’ve removed them from your house.
Roof Rats
Rats are much larger than mice. They tend to weigh between half of a pound and a pound. They have very long tails that are longer than their entire bodies.
Roof rats are great climbers, which is why it’s common for them to build nests in peoples’ attics. They like to eat fruits, grains, and seeds. They often bring food that they find to their nests.
This is why you might find food remains in the nooks and crannies of your home if you have a rat infestation.
Rats reproduce extremely quickly and they will reach sexual maturity in six months or less. A female to have six litters within her one-year lifespan.
Just like mice, rats can transmit deadly diseases to humans, which is why you should contact a rodent removal service if you suspect that your house has a rodent infestation.
How to Know that You Have a Rodent Infestation
It’s possible that you’ll know that mice or rats are in your house if you see them walking across the floors or climbing up the walls. Since they tend to be active at night, you’re less likely to see them in the daytime.
You might also hear them scurrying around at night. If you hear the sound of something moving in your cupboards or in your attic, consider taking a moment to look around your house. There are several telltale signs that rodents are in your home.
First, they often leave oily marks on your floors, walls, and baseboards.
You should also look for their droppings on your kitchen floors, in your pantry, in your cupboards, in your sink, or along your house’s baseboards. A typical rodent will drop around fifty feces in a single day.
You also might come across one of their nests. They prefer to make them in dark and quiet places in peoples’ homes.
You’ll know that you’ve found a rodent nest if you see a mass of shredded fabric, paper, and packaging.
The last thing you should look for if you are concerned that there are rodents in your home is bite marks.
All rodents have rootless incisors that are located on the bottoms and tops of their mouths. Since these teeth never stop growing, rodents will gnaw on your home’s wood and wiring in order to manage the length of their teeth.
If you think that there are rodents in your house, it is a good idea to look for the top rodent control services to help you to get rid of them.
How to Prevent Rodent Infestations
The best thing you can do to keep rats and mice from your home is to take action to prevent them from establishing themselves.
The first thing you should do is to prevent them from having access to food. When rodents know that there is a readily available food source in your home, they are not going to want to leave.
This is why you should make sure that all of the items in your pantry are sealed. Consider investing in plastic containers that have sealable lids so that you can store your grains.
You should also always clean up after yourself after you prepare meals in your kitchen. Wipe off your counters and your sink.
Remove debris from your sink’s drain and place it in your garbage can. Sweep the floors and make sure that your garbage can has a sealable lid.
It’s also essential that you inspect your house for easy access points. When you find cracks or gaps between your windows, doors, and walls, take time to seal them up with silicone caulk.
And make sure that there are no gaps or cracks in your window screens and weather stripping.
If you own an automobile that is not in use, check it every once in a while to make sure that rodents have not gotten inside. Look under the seats, in the trunk, and inside of the engine.
If you have an attic, make sure that you get rid of all nesting materials. This includes stray papers, unused blankets, and cardboard boxes.
If rodents have gotten into your attic in the past, you should consider hiring a rodent control service to help you with rodent trapping.
Common Diseases that Rodents Carry
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is one of the most dangerous diseases that rodents can transmit to humans. Humans who come into contact with the urine of rodents put themselves at risk of contracting HPS.
Another illness that rodents transmit is called leptospirosis. It is caused by bacteria and can infect many different kinds of animals.
You can also get tularemia from rodents. Most people get this disease after coming into contact with dead rodents or after getting bitten.
Rats and mice are capable of transmitting salmonella as well. This can happen if you eat food contaminated food. Some of the telltale signs of salmonella poisoning include fevers, chills, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.
Contact a Rodent Control Service if There Are Rodents in Your Home
If you suspect that there are rodents in your home, it is important that you reach out to a rodent control service to help you get rid of them. Rats and mice often enter people’s homes and build nests.
If you are looking for the best California rodent control service, we are here to help you. Don’t hesitate to book a free estimate today.